Coming Soon! Updates about your child’s room.
To read our latest Newsletter click here
Staff professional development with Niki Buchan – At Risk!! – The common sense approach to risk management in child care This workshop will support you to build on your current knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements so you can meet all health and safety requirements whil
The AGM was a big success. In May we held a successful AGM, with nearly 40 members and stakeholders in attendance. The evening commenced with a thought-provoking presentation on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Reports from our Chair, General Manager and Treasurer shared som
Centre Closure Date – 4th July – The centre will be closed to children for our staff professional development day.
The Kitchen refurbishment is underway! We are cooking up a new kitchen area.
Everyone at KCCC is thrilled to announce that we have a start date for the playground refurbishment. Hold on to your hats, something special is coming to the outside areas.